Brain work opens the door to ending homelessness

Justice and Compassion in tandem

Doors Academy SCIO(SC052531)   

Holistic Outreach        "Education is the fire that nobody can put out"

Evidence supports our contention every housing-deprived person is indisputably vulnerable, deserving of 

priority need for housing status and inclusion in an environment they can call home.

There are king-sized holes in the safety net of provision for housing across the nations of the globe. 

Doors Academy SCIO - The go to place for housing-deprived adults or those in danger of becoming housing-deprived. (See Services)

"We are out for life and all that life can give us" - John Maclean.

"Time is our most precious commodity, lets invest in it wisely" -  Seumas Oniwaasu O'Duibhin

Housing-deprived 'busters' Building HOME

Developed by housing-deprived people for housing-deprived people

Orchestrated by housing-deprived people

Open all day for  housing-deprived people

Representation for  housing-deprived people

Safeguarding for  housing-deprived people

Champions of 'Housing First' and where appropriate, tailored wrap around services & support, with love.

“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.”

― Desmond Tutu

Homelessness itself is the archetypal example of 'social exclusion' It has become normalised in people's minds, to our shame. Even those suffering the injustice often feel it is the norm. This collective mindset must change.

Homelessness is far more than house-lessness.

Homelessness is not just about a lack of housing and employment, but is also about social networks, a community care and public health problem.

Thank you for showing interest and surfing to our website, appreciated. (Join us), we need you.

Society, obscenely unequal and too often negligent, needs relationship boosters.

Whilst roofless in 2020 we realised that it would be a huge help to have someone continuously mediating on our behalf to better maintain the access and retain the pertinent support and services so desperately needed.

Accordingly we decided to supplement helping ourselves by obtaining assistance from knowledgeable others and not allow ourselves to get lost in the institutional maze.

We deploy at the cutting edge, in the fight for an environment we can all call 'home, and against, a regime that allows the  depriving of housing to be the norm; holding fast to the concept that we have a duty to assist every one of you unique individuals that present.  

Doors Academy a safe space for everyone, is determined not to be passive in our aims and values, relentless - we never give up, action is the only truth.

(Join us) today, together we are more effective than working alone. 

Being deprived of a house and an environment one can call home is an injustice not a lifestyle choice, and the injustice exacerbates through societal negative bias.

Time we changed public opinion. As a society it is our collective responsibility to change things for society as a whole, for the benefit of all.

Accordingly let us not think solely about houses in the abstract sense, but also homes for the people who need them. 

On the streets we came together to protect each other, seeking solace and an escape from the desolation. Our eyes are open, we are highly attuned to risk; we have an opportunity to share that knowledge with mainstream society, to apprise our 'neighbour' and eliminate the injustice of depriving people of housing once and for all.

Our ranks are strengthened with YOU in them.

Today is the day to 'shine your eye', time stops for no one, but it can be on your side. 

Agitate, Educate, Organise.



Made on the streets.

Everybody has a story to tell if they so choose.

We believe everyone deserves to have their story heard.

Stories bring issues to life.

Our story started on the 19th March 2020 and it has been a painful journey to where we are today. The pandemic did not kill us thank God, it strengthened our resolve; our ranks continue to swell and with each additional person we become stronger. Each and everyone of us has been and/or are either homeless or roofless. Amongst us there is a plethora of aspirations, and not one includes remaining homeless and certainly not roofless.

Together we help one another to the place each wants to be.

We all have our own individual back stories and lived experience of rooflessness in numerous locations across the globe, from the villages to the cities and everywhere in between, which we share when active upon the streets. We prioritise forging a relationship with homeless and roofless adults such as yourselves. Those who are street users, seek alms, and those of you who are at risk of becoming homeless and roofless.

During discussions we listen to what you choose to share with us tailoring our efforts accordingly. If you approach us via other means such as a referral, we apply appropriate evaluations to ensure we offer the correct assistance and/or signpost other more appropriate channels.

Regardless of method of contact we forge a consensual relationship with you, supported by a contract for mutual cooperation and a memorandum of understanding, signed by all parties. We are stronger together and hope you will become part of our family.

Together we have built and enjoy platforms to assist with:-

  • 24/7 SAS on call - Service Advocacy & Support
  • Rest Assured - Mental & Physical Health Assist
  • 153 Drop in centre - befriending & camaraderie
  • Futures - Education, Learning & Safeguarding
  • Stronger Voices - Advocacy & Action
  • Angels of change - Home advantage                                                   

We work with you to facilitate expedient remedy for your individual need, be it ill health, disability, financial hardship or any other disadvantage associated with homelessness.

Always  All ways.



We challenge the staus quo ceaselessly. Considering every door in our quest to support YOU and each other, whilst achieving a consensual remedy for each person's situation.



Holding to the principles - Justice, Righteousness, and, Steadfast love for our neighbours has given us the strength to care and achieve.


Tackling homelessness must be placed in its wider social context  as a 'welfare' and 'public health' responsibility and function; returning to the top of the political agenda for action and remedy. 


Home ownership is often viewed in terms of giving people a 'stake in society', but the converse is also the case: the lack of a fixed address is an absolute disaster if you want to play any sort of role in society at all.

There are millions of people at risk of being left behind by society without this most basic necessity we call home.

Education allows each and everyone of us to make an informed choice as to which door to open and which to keep closed. And when we might want to evaluate our choices.

WE are all both student and teacher, Join us and we will transform the world.


It is our belief individuals move into and usually out of

homelessness. Without recognition of the dynamics of what happens, it will not be adequately understood.

The Doors Academy approach gives primacy to the voices of those who are undergoing the experience. Collective experience so far shows that homelessness has its roots in social exclusion and the risk society.

A plethora of interpretations without coming to conclusions is likely to weaken society.

Accordingly our efforts are towards the compilation of fact based real time information that will  impact positively on public attitudes and policy development.


Our credo everybody counts or nobody counts served us well during our time on the streets and we see no reason to change it.

The camaraderie that evolved grows stronger each passing day as our ranks proliferate and we look forward with happiness to a time when you Join us.

Together we will  shake the world.

With a secure address, you can claim benefits and entitlements, apply for and maintain a job, and with an income, look to get a place of your own to live. Not to mention getting a bank account, securing the service of a GP, receive mail and the like. We can help you with a secure address should you need one, get in touch, an address is no longer out of reach.


Loss of items important to you inflict a particular type    of pain, no one needs to suffer that. The locker can hold your identification records and documentation,

nostalgic items; whatever you hold dear.


The day will come when homelessness is relegated to your past, we want that day to be soon. In the interim

let us do the required "leg work"  and you can focus on what keeps you going each day

Our Services 

Always  All ways

Service Advocacy & Support - all day every day

Offering holistic approach and action to ensure any and all issues are dealt with as though each homeless adult and adult at risk of becoming homeless has their own personal assistant; a 'DTP'- Designated Trusted Person.

The beneficiaries’ needs are centre stage.

 DTP - Support Administration

  • Arranging ‘Survival’ package drop – logistics and timing
  • Arranging Health checks
  • Arranging meet up with friends in Café 153
  • Arranging Study programs
  • Arranging appointments
  • Arranging travel
  • Preparation of CV/Resume
  • Telephone answering and messaging service


  • Home economics - money management
  • Advice and assistance in applying for state benefits and all other entitlements,

    demystifying the jargon and processes.

  • Negotiations with Landlords about tenancy
  • Negotiations with Creditors

Rest Assured

All patients deserve care, the medical profession has a duty of care to everyone, it is not for them to choose and not for them to discriminate.

Safe and appropriate Housing for all is of central importance in securing equitable distribution of resources and vital services concerning health and social care

Your health is your wealth and we look to protect it.  

Mental & Physical Health Awareness, Advocacy & Maintenance, Signposting, Referral, Safeguarding


Fact Find and necessary referrals to the appropriate health care department.

153 Drop In Centre House of Doors.

A safe place for you to take some time out from your day to gather with friends, relax, eat in peace or even sleep. The design and ambience of the centre has been customised to play an important role in ensuring that you take real breaks from the drudgery of your day. Not only does the 153 offer you somewhere to go to get away from it all and recharge your batteries, it’s an important reminder that it’s perfectly acceptable to do so.

Stronger Voices - You can be heard

A brain storming platform bringing all our lived experience to the fore, researching and gathering of data and production of academic papers, statistics, truth statements, strategies for awareness programmes, road shows, petitions and anything that promotes change for the common good.

The strength to care for your future

Doors Academy SCIO

Shaking the World

Our mission is to

. . . . Treat all people and their needs as Holy, actively working to secure for our ‘neighbour’ what we would want for ourselves.

  • Elimination of homelessness. We do not see homes merely as places to generate rent and interest but as places to live and build communities.

  • To be ever vigilant concerning matters that can cause pain to our neighbour and ready to stand shoulder to shoulder in support.

  • Affirm and succeed. We never give up !

May our efforts be transparent and Jesus shines through.

We hold to Jesus’ principles – justice, righteousness, and steadfast love, without wavering, secure in the knowledge that bearing witness to truth and social justice and love for Jehovah and neighbour is the only lasting way to establish God's Kingdom on earth as in heaven.

Our amalgamated effort is for the:

Prevention or relief of poverty for homeless adults and adults at risk of becoming homeless.

Advancement of education and learning for homeless adults and adults at risk of becoming homeless,  applying a capabilities approach- incorporating life skills, soft/hard skills, employability training and retraining in marketable new skills. Signposting and Advocacy for entering higher academic education institutions. Research and Publishing of Academic papers on causes of homelessness, safeguarding and remedies.

Advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation for homeless adults and adults at risk of becoming homeless.

Relief of adults in need by reason of homelessness and adults at risk of becoming homeless; suffering or vulnerable to suffering ill health- both physical and mental, disability, financial hardship, including no access to public funds and other disadvantages that present.

Our collective priority is to initiate life changing action whereupon each and everyone of us secures a (home)and never loses it. 

Always All ways  - Everybody counts or Nobody counts.

Our Vision

We envision a world where all  people live in the Kingdom of God and embrace his righteousness; prioritising love over survival.

wherein they...

Love Jehovah and their Neighbour

  • Have a place to take up residency, and call Home
  • Have a sense of continuity and stability
  • Have a feeling of safety, trust and well-being
  • Can develop and maintain strong relationships
  • Can 'Shine their eye' and refuse to be blindsided by  indifference
  • Can define themselves and be their true self
  • Enjoy a world of people loving others and being loved

Homelessness no longer exists

Is this not the kind of fasting I have chosen, to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, 

to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? 

Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter - when you see the naked, to cloth them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? - Isaiah 58: 6-7

You will always have poor people with you.You can help them any time you want to.  - Mark 14:7

Dear friends, let us love one another, because love comes from Jehovah. Everyone who loves has become a child of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Here is how God showed his love among us. He sent his one and only Son into the world. He sent him so we could receive life through him. Here is what love is. It is not that we loved God. It is that he loved us and sent his Son to give his life to pay for our sins.

Dear friends, since God loved us this much, we should also love one another. No-one has ever seen God. But if we love one another, God lives in us. His love is made complete in us.

JOHN 4:7-12


Doors Academy SCIO - SC052531 Copyright © All Rights Reserved  2023

Brain work opens the door to ending homelessness.