Brain work opens the door to ending homelessness


Brain work opens the door to ending homelessness

We are homelessness busters - homeless no more



We are angels of change, each and every one of us sculptured by lived experience of homelessness. Our credo everybody counts or nobody counts gives us the strength to champion homes for all. (Join us)

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." -Henry Ford

Our collective priority is to initiate life changing action whereupon each and everyone of us secures home and never loses it.

Join us in singing our song 'Over and done with', its got a ring to it!

"Home is a feeling of safety, trust, continuity and stability that permits the physical, emotional and psychological well-being necessary for experiencing friendships and relationships. It is a central point in our lives from which other activities like work, friendships and relationships can be experienced and developed. It is also a unique space, place or area through which individuals define themselves and allow themselves to be their true self. A space or place, that allows them to feel anchored into their society and equal to or able to mix with their peers."

Megan Honor Ravenhill



We will provide you with an explanation of the fact finding process and its purpose, and you will choose what information you wish to share with us.

Providing you are comfortable and relaxed we will proceed with gathering of pertinent information. All such information will remain confidential.

During the information gathering session we will discuss and determine your priorities and personal concerns.

Leading to an agreement in principle of problems to be addressed and timeline expectations.


The strategy paints an accurate picture of the current situation and details the actions that fit together, allowing for daily progress to be made.

It’s a living process that never stagnates and evolves while we execute it.

We will align daily activities with your top priorities and provide you with realtime ongoing status reports as necessary.

We welcome your involvement throughout the process and/or feedback,  comments and suggestions and assure you of our best attention and service at all times.


Actions will always be based on a consensual understanding, as the strategy was personalised, contextualised and customised into an agreed plan of action.

Stage progress reports will indicate if remedial action has to be taken. If needs be, actions

will be revised in order for agreed priorities and timelines to be met.

Should you require amendment to any of the aims and/or timelines, same will be taken into account and the strategy revised accordingly.

Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.


Together we will review the results inline with agreed aims and your expectations.

The outcomes are evaluated and actions continue until we receive confirmation of your complete  satisfaction.

Support and advocacy continues as long as you wish, there are no restrictive timelines imposed.

Wrap around services and support mean what they imply.

We will take a strengths-based, needs-driven approach.


To us its personal.

Together we will move from surviving to thriving.

Without doubt there is a plethora of institutions involved in tackling homelessness, power to their elbow; may they achieve their mission in the most expedient and effective manner.

Our lived experience suggests the same institutions are often at a standstill. Procedures are marked by excessive complexity culminating in delay or inaction; and where action is taken it involves a mountain of forms and rules that grind down the wheels of service.

Lives are on the line and such red tape and confusing jargon and processes must not restrict immediate help for those in need.

To compliment their effort WE must act in a responsible and collaborative manner.

Let us do our utmost to assist in removing obstacles.





AGITATE        No time to die.

We know life on the street is brutal, you don't forget - it stays with you.

You will suffer a greater incidence

of long-term health conditions, and your life expectancy on average, is a quarter of a century shorter than the housed.

Join us in challenging the status quo

EDUCATE  from darkness to light.

We must eliminate the ‘them and us’ mindset so prevalent  in society

For this to happen there is need of continuous dialogue, mutual aid and learning. Where we, society, take responsibility.

Agreeing on the methodology and enforcing it, never giving up until the job is done.

ORGANISE   stronger together.

We all have back stories and lived experience of the damaging impact of homelessness that must be brought to the fore and guide our actions with view to eliminating homelessness. 

Most of us have so far lived our lives as it happens without much control of events.

Time to stand up.


Doors Academy SCIO - SC052531 Copyright © All Rights Reserved  2023

Brain work opens the door to ending homelessness.